"I used to have hair"
The day started with a presentation from Peter Chadwick, which gave a brief history of his work and career. After graduating from university, Chadwick started working on artwork for music labels. He started up a company called Zip Design in 1996 and he continued to expand it up until 2006 when he finally decided that he was more involved in the finances than the actual artwork. He went on to work as an art director under the banner of ‘Popular.’ Here he often collaborates with a range of different illustrators and photographers to produce the artwork. Chadwick claims a lot of the work he has done over his career has been related to the music industry and this was evident in his presentation. He aims now to move away from this and experience a variety of new challenges.
“An acid trip on a motorbike in the jungle”
Peter Chadwick projects that I particularly liked
· Hedkandi plane- after working with Hedkandi for 9 years and seeing it grow from infancy, Chadwick got to design the aeroplane graphics for the Hedkandi Monarch Airlines aeroplane. Although he was only paid £500 per plane, Chadwick claims that it was a very exciting brief and sometimes you have to accept such a small sum of money as this type of job would be snapped up very quickly by another designer.
· Harvey Nichols window displays- Chadwick finds window displays an interesting project due to the sheer scale of the space. The Harvey Nichols window was particularly challenging, as there was only a small door at the back of the display to fit the artwork in. He described the theme as “an acid trip on a motorbike.” This project had a £25,000 budget.
· Lo Fidelity Allstars- in this project, Chadwick was asked to produce the artwork for the Lo Fideilty Allstars albums. The brief asked for Yorkshire to look ‘other worldly’ and alien-like. Chadwick claims to have a big passion for photography and especially loves working with photographers. The photography here was produced by using a long exposure and photographing different locations in Yorkshire at 1am.

Jump on the Jig Wagon
After a quick break the FDs and NDs were split up into groups and we were to work on a small group project. We were asked to come up with a new music tv channel name, state the brand characteristics and think of a way to launch the new channel. Our group met and we made a spider diagram of possible genres but decided that, rather than pick a genre that some people knew better than others, we would pick one that noone knew much about. This made it fairer and it also gave us an idea of what it would be like to be actually working on a project you didnt like when in industry. We all picked a research topic and, after lunch, we spent 20 mins researching our topic. Next we re-met and went through what we had found. We started writing name ideas down and came up with Jig Wagon TV and the tag line 'Jump on the Jig Wagon'. From then we made a spider diagram of our brand characteristics. We decided our brand would be easy going/ laid back, fun, loud and out for a good time. We then cut out all of our prints and assembled a mood board.

After completing our mood board we discussed possible launch ideas and we decided, as this channel was aimed at an older audience, we shouldn't really be launching it via internet pages, email ads etc as alot of older people don't have access to the internet and/or cannot use it. Therefore we decided to go along the route of promoting our brand on the streets. Our 'Jig Wagon' would tour the country visiting all of the major cities. There they would set a barn dance (HOE DOWN!!!!) and bar saloon, and give away free promotional drinks, Jerky, Chilli & Rice and Gumbo. There would also be a BYOB (bring your own beef) BBQ. During this time Peter Chadwick came and spoke to us about our idea and gave us feedback. Overall I found him attentive, insightful and provided a great deal of constructive criticism.
Before attending this Industry Day, I was rather concerned about the fact that I would be working with people that I didn’t know. However, I feel that I was put into a really good group who were all keen and eager to have some fun and they all got on really well together.
Overall, I would say that the day was big success and that I have learned alot about working at a fast pace and about my ability to work well with a group of people that I have never even met before. I believe that the National Diploma students learnt and benefitted from being with students who are further on in education and that the Foundation Degree students I really enjoyed the day and would love to participate in such events more often. I hope that Peter Chadwick found his time in college as pleasurable as I did.
Speaking from experience
These are a few tips that Peter Chadwick gave...
-Communication is very important; you must be
able to communicate without pictures
-Always keep files in the correct places otherwise you lose
them when you export to pdf and other formats
-When presenting, pretend there is a person sitting
right at the back of the room. Look at them and
concentrate on them whilst talking if you are
concentrate on them whilst talking if you are
finding it abit scary presenting to a group
-Work hard, keep confident and you will do well
-Always quote double than what you expect, it is a
job and they want your services so always try and
get that extra bit of money- don't undersell yourself!
-Always quote double than what you expect, it is a
job and they want your services so always try and
get that extra bit of money- don't undersell yourself!
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