This is the pieces of work that I presented today in our crits with ND and the Narc magazine people. I am quite happy with how my pieces turned out expect for the typography on the cover of the blue paint and string one- this was mainly due to the very little time I had left after concentrating on fitting all of the type into the leaflet and spending more time on the zebra piece. I think the zebra print piece turned out alot better than I expected. When I was actually wearing the body paint, I was concerned that it looked too much like a childs dressy up party costume and didnt look very professional but once i took the photos into Photoshop and slightly edited the colours, cropped the image down to be more abstract and added the Narc logo on, it started to look better than I had thought. I also love the blue on the black and white background, I think it stands out very well.
Due to lack of time, I didnt get a chance to perfect the Narc logo on the blue paint and string version and make it look more part of the actual artwork. As much as I like this piece, I think I prefer the zebra print one as I think it is more striking and the photography is more interesting and it makes you try and work out what exactly it is. I believe that both pieces suit my concept of all these bands and their music being unique and individual.
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