Saturday, 20 February 2010

Metro Ad

After months and months of trying to work out what was going on with the shape of this illustration on The Gate 'Can't Wait' metro advert, I FINALLY realised what exactly it was.  At first I thought that the first part looked like the number 2 so was trying to fit in things like 2009 or 2010, however this didnt work.  I have now realised that it is infact the letter 'a' and then it all became obvious, the ad reads am pm.  This was designed by the BWP group.  They were approached and asked to come up with a campaign to advertise The Gate as a 24 hour venue.  The colour scheme chosen goes from warm, yellowy/orange colours to darker, purples and blacks.  This represents the day changing into night and back into day- showing a 24 hour period.  The illustrations also change through the ad.  There are daytime activities and nightlife.  As it isnt very clear what the ad says, I initially didnt think that it was overly effective, however saying as how it has attracted my attention and annoyed me on many a metro journey then I would now say it does manage to generate curiosity and gets people looking at the ad therefore creating awareness about the venue.  

''The second win for BWP was in the Leisure category, for its work on The Gate, Newcastle's premier leisure and entertainment destination (owned by Propinvest). The campaign 'The Gate - Can't Wait' promoted the centre's bars, restaurants, casino and cinema and as a daytime and evening location. The success of the campaign saw a growth in visitor numbers from target lifestyle groups, which were previously under-represented''

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